Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Journey Begins...

Hi all! Welcome to my little spot on the blogosphere! I am Christina. I'm a full time Mom to an awesome little guy (we call him TC). I have spent the last eight years working in the public education system. I learned so much, met some amazing people, and had my life changed by some fantastic kids! Despite all of these blessings (+ more), I found myself struggling with a lot of what I was faced with daily. Once TC hit preschool age, I discovered some deep internal struggles. I couldn't settle on where I should place him for his education - especially in the beginning. I wanted a place that I felt would benefit him academically, and teach him as a whole child. I started then immersing myself in the world of homeschooling. I was almost immediately filled with excitement and passion for making the choice to homeschool him. I am now working with homeschooling families and helping my family to become one. This is an opportunity that I am so grateful for- and willing to work hard to obtain. I plan to document our journey and this grand transition from my classroom to my schooling homeroom. TC and I will be on this learning journey together, and we hope you'll join us!


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